Participants share their experience

Two family caregivers want to share their personal experiences of participating in Homeside. Martin Kresse took part in the music program with his wife, and Cornelia Hansmann took part in the reading program with her mother. Read their accounts below.

They first shared their stories during a workshop in Germany in April 2022. The audience consisted of the international research team and workshop attendees. Their reports give a valuable insight into experiences of living with dementia and participating in the study. Thank you for your openness and for allowing us to share your experiences with the music and reading activities with a larger audience here on our website.

Martin Kresse’s experiences

If you have any questions to Martin, he can be contacted via the following e-mail address: m.kresse[at]

Read his account here.

Cornelia Hansmann’s experiences

If you have any questions to Cornelia, you can contact her via the following e-mail address: conny.hansmann[at]

Read her account here.

Many thanks to all participants in our study for your interest, your time and your commitment to the HOMESIDE study.

Do you want to participate?

Asutralia, Norway and Poland are recruiting a few more weeks! Get in touch with the team in your country:

NewsKjersti Johansson