Milestone: 200 dyads accepted!

By mid-April Homeside reached another milestone with 200 dyads accepted to the study. While celebrating this milestone, recruitment continues in all five countries. Our target is to recruit another 295 dyads over the next 13 months.

Are you interested in joining the study?


For more information or to register your interest, please contact the team in your country.






Photo: Silje Måseide

Photo: Silje Måseide


More contact details and information can be found at each country’s sub-page.

What have participants said?

Many participants tell us they appreciate taking part in the study. Here’s what some participants have said so far.

"I didn't think reading would work as an activity with my partner...but it has. I am now being more creative about things to do with him...I'm more aware of other possibilities."

"We are pleased to have taken's opened up the world to us at this time."

 “We now have music most of the time. [CR] now joins in spontaneously, or initiates clapping, swaying, foot tapping, often smiling and laughing.”

“Another good session. Definitely has a positive effect on mum. Seems to calm her down and cheer her up if she’s a bit down. I never thought that she would respond so positively.”

“I have to admit, I was a bit sceptical at first to take on something extra, because I was so tired... But this actually give me energy. Who would have thought; today we danced!”

“We are so happy to have this contact with you. And it’s very nice to get good and simple tips.”

“Participation has been very positive. It has been so nice getting to know you all.”